The Year-round Christ

img_0185.jpg“Merely to know that the Son of God was born on earth does not get us very far. We must also know why he was sent into the world and the benefits he has brought us.” – John Calvin in a sermon on Luke 2:9-14.

Over the past year or so we have been hearing from the Gospel of John in our worship services. In spending time in this book we are meeting with Jesus from week to week as John lays out for us the important things for us to know about the life of Jesus. All of scripture speaks of our Lord, as we see in the book of Judges, but with the Gospel accounts the shadows have passed and we stand in the full light of the presence of the Son of God.

How glorious is that light!

When we hear his teaching we are like those in the synagogue in Capernaum who were astounded at his authority. When we hear of his miracles we see his compassion and we are amazed that such things took place. When we are confronted with the events of his last week – the last supper, the garden, betrayal, arrest and death – we are struck to the core by the realisation of what Jesus went through for our salvation. When we hear of the resurrection any gloom is taken away and we rejoice in our risen Lord.

How glorious is our Saviour!

But the terrible fact is that many people hearing and reading the same words have no response whatsoever. It passes over them as if these eternal truths are simply inconsequential ephemera. This fact is especially true at this time of year. Most people will hear the name of Jesus in December in some way or other. We can even hear it in the supermarket as the background music plays: “Long time ago in Bethlehem, so the Holy Bible say, Mary’s boy-child Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day.”

The name of Jesus, which thrills our souls so much, is turned into another part of festivities to be taken up and then packed away when the New Year rolls round.

Friends, Jesus cannot and must not be treated in this way. He is not an accessory to modern commercialism. He is not to be used as a prop to a cheerier winter. No, he came into the world for the salvation of fallen sinners. His whole life is of eternal importance and we must not let him be co-opted by the world, nor allow our neighbours to be content with a neutered Jesus.

Calvin’s sermon quoted above is on the following words: “Today in the city of Davida Saviour is born to you, who is Christ the Lord.” The angels words told the shepherds the import of the birth of Jesus. Let the church proclaim those glorious truths today, tomorrow and always. To the glory of the Son of God – Jesus Christ our Lord.

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